Are you a Masculine or a Feminine Leader?

Diagnostic Tools | Team Workshops | Leadership Speaker

Are You a Masculine or a Feminine Leader?


Women are 66% of University Graduates and 17% of CEOs. Do you think it’s because they’re not smart enough?

It took a wake up call for me to learn the value of embracing feminine energy. Like many male leaders, I am naturally more aligned to the masculine – and I never realised there was an meaningful alternative.

Until one day an attendee at my workshop told me point blank that my content did not resonate with her experience as an entrepreneur and business leader. That wake up call kickstarted my journey, to being a more-balance leader myself and more importantly helping my clients and presentation attendees to realise they too can change.

I travel Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America as an international business advisor and keynote speaker. On the topic of ‘Embracing the Feminine’, I speak at conferences and deliver one-off or programmed training workshops within large organisations who want a competitive edge.

This global perspective and practical expertise in growing businesses mean that my message does more than highlight inequality: you will walk away with specific, real-world solutions that will both help the gender diversity conversation and genuinely make you a better organisation.

Got 3 Minutes to Review Your Strengths?

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Almost every MBA, business course, and podcast is rooted in the tradition of masculine-focused leadership and strategy. To gain perspective, first identify your current position on this spectrum:

  • Identify your strengths and learn the power of a balanced leadership energy
  • Every leader is a combination of their masculine and feminine energies, regardless of gender or orientation
  • When you embrace the Feminine AND the Masculine to become a Balanced Leader, you become an employer of choice and a more powerful and effective organisation
  • This free indicator takes less than 3 minutes to complete
The #1 Business, HR, and Leadership Best Seller

Buy the Book

Why would 15 male leaders write a book about the importance of embracing your feminine energy?

Because change requires the men in power to change – so as a man with power I have a responsibility to advocate for that change.

In the best-selling Visionary Male Leaders, learn how to:

  • embrace the feminine energy you already have
  • balance your leadership style to benefit masculine, feminine, and balanced employees
  • implement business systems designed with the balance – not the masculine – in mind.

When Jacob was introduced I almost stopped listening. I thought ‘What could this man possibly tell me about femininity?’ Now I can’t imagine anyone better to talk on the subject.

Legal Industry Conference Attendee


Are you looking for a new way to cut through Diversity & Inclusion challenges in your organisation or membership base? Learn how rapidly change can occur when you shift focus from the traditional EITHER/OR of gender training into an inclusive AND that benefits every member of your leadership team and business.

Business Insights, Fun, and Laughter

Why Book Jacob Aldridge

“Jacob is the consummate professional – one you can trust to engage, delight and empower your audience.”

Event planners and Conference organisers book Jacob Aldridge when they are committed to delivering world-class business content that stands out for memorability and practical application. 

Jacob entertains and informs with a conversational style, wit and humour, distilling complex concepts into simple strategies that deliver a powerful and engaged audience response.

“My mission as a speaker is to rise about ‘the doorway effect’, making sure the value I share is remembered and implemented long after an attendee has walked out the conference doors and back to their real world.”

Best Business Keynote Speaker Brisbane Australia
  • A motivating keynote and conference speaker
  • A professional experienced MC
  • An engaging, outcomes-focussed facilitator
  • A deep generalist presenter across business growth, strategy, culture, and communications
  • Well-versed in all aspects of business growth with groundbreaking tactical insights
FLPA Family Law Practitioners Association keynote speaker
World Business and Executive Coach summit inaugural speaker
Something Digital Conference Speaker
Happy Lawyer Happy LIfe conference speaker
Email Marketing Summit MC Emcee Master of Ceremonies
Keynote Presentations | Plenary Sessions | Workshops

Jacob's Signature Keynote Presentations

Creating Innovation and Happiness

On Being a Deep Generalist

My success and lifestyle comes from my one abiding principle: I’ve ignored the experts who told me to pick a box and specialise to that niche.

My obsession with how we approach career and business success has led to the creation of my latest and most powerful keynote – On Being A Deep Generalist.

Drawing on real-world experience rich in scope and delighting in an eccentric and abundant embrace of life, I unpack the wrong instructions we’ve received when it comes to creating long-term, sustainable success.

Beyond embracing change, beyond being agile, Jacob’s insights I’ll demonstrate how important it is to adopt the concept of deep generalisation if you want to be able to shift with ease through every conceivable business and economic environment.

A provocative, enticing keynote which has proven to delight audiences, and change perspective – delivering a powerful combination of a new paradigm, challenge and hope for your audience.

Jacob Aldridge Panel Speaker
Leverage Masculine and Feminine Energy

Visionary Leaders Embrace the Feminine

Working with professional services firms across the world, I’ve been fascinated with just why some firms thrive, and others simply exist. Beyond the balance sheet and profit and loss statements, I’ve looked to best practice and its adoption to understand why the ‘lucky few‘ created thriving, sustainable companies.

Embracing the Feminine is the result of that exploration. In realising ‘Best Practice’ is, often, anything but, I unpack the fundamental differences in the masculine and feminine approach to business. I’ll explain why embracing the feminine is essential to a robust business.

A powerful keynote with fresh perspectives that eliminate the divisiveness created in traditional approaches to gender equality and intersectionality, I’ll give your audience the tools and the strategies to create a different future – starting now.

Best International Business Coach Jacob Aldridge

Jacob Aldridge Keynote Speaker Reviews

“Very thought-provoking. I came into this talk virtually disagreeing entirely with the concept. I’ve come out with much thinking to do and a possible conversion! Thank you Jacob.”

Taryn Lovegrove Legal Speaker
Taryn Lovegrove
Lawyer, Davies Collison Cave

“Self-reflective deep generalist approach addressed extremely well and engaging. Excellently delivered and insightful!.”

Andre Van Zyl the CFO Centre Speaker
Dr Andre Van Zyl
Regional Director, The CFO Centre

“Engaging and passionate presenter who shared real-life experience with both good and bad to illustrate his key points – both entertaining and rewarding. Loved his point that you don’t have to be a genius to be a deep generalist.”

Fiona Southwell Organisational Change Speaker
Fiona Southwell
Organisational Change (Program) Manager

Your Next Engaging, Energetic, Expert Keynote Speaker

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