Jacob Aldridge


I recently published my ‘Testimonial’ page, although in true Jacob Aldridge fashion I named it ‘Shameless Praise‘. The motivation should be obvious (testimonials and recommendations about my amazing work add credibility to my writing and proposals), and some recent submissions from the KPI Enterprise program and a few newspaper articles prompted me to complete this....
I was born in 1981. This means I, and those born a couple of years either side, are singularly placed for our retirement plans to be screwed by a combination of demographics and economic cycles. The good news is we can, as individuals, do something about this (and collectively, we will still be able to...
It’s a common question: what is the difference between a business consultant and a business coach? Pedants will observe that a pure consultant brings the solution and completes the work themselves – think IT or Legal, for example. A pure coach does nothing but ask questions, ‘coaching’ you because all the answers are inside you...
In mid-2007, Brisbane’s Courier-Mail newspaper interviewed me for their Career One section feature: A Day on the Job. At the time I was about a year into my business coaching career. Since the article is no longer online, I have chosen to publish my answers here with a short note at the end about what has changed...
Today’s content comes from my colleagues in the UK – as part of their most recent conference (in beautiful Manchester!) the team had a short, sharp exercise listing some commonly used business coaching words … that mean absolutely nothing to our clients and prospects! Key choices: Strategy Growth Context Innovation Leadership Structure which puts a...
I’m 32 1/2 years old. My next birthday will be 33, and I will enter what some people refer to as ‘the Jesus year‘. For a whole combination of random thoughts intersecting, it occurred to me that I’m already working towards a nifty plan for the time period roughly associated with that year. Basically, I’m...
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