

Never Reposition an Accountant’s Window Dateline: Brisbane, Australia “It was the night before Christmas, and all through the office,Not a creature was stirring – for there was nought in the coffers.The bank website was loaded, the refresh button pressed with care,In the hope that that really big client payment that they had repeatedly promised had been...
Maker v Manager Time Take the Quiz
That Went Fast: 4 Fridays to Christmas DATELINE: My Daughter’s Nativity Play, Brisbane Australia The recent article on the importance of Founder Mode in SMEs struck a chord with many of you. So much so that I have since spoken at two conferences on the topic, to much acclaim (though people kinda have to clap at...
Freedom Through Business DATELINE: Brisbane, Australia My weekly emails are focused on practical theory you can execute in your business, so common feedback is to include more case studies. This week’s article includes 4 companies I have worked with in the past. But do tell me – what excites you in business? What do you use...
While Sponsorships are a legitimate business expense, in reality they are one of the lowest converting forms of marketing. Emotionally, they need to be treated as a charitable expense – a good way for business owners who are doing well to give back a little to their local community. I also like to give bonus...
So Much for the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything DATELINE: Brisbane, Australia If you’re awesome for long enough, referral business will flow. As I approach my 20th year in business coaching, the majority of my new clients and new projects (yes, even internationally) come via the referral of a client or colleague who knows...
Embrace Feminine Energy to evolve Masculine leadership traits
5 Top Coaches Revealed Their Favourite Program Source: WP Minds By Komal Haider “Are you looking to enhance your coaching skills by getting enrolled in business coaching programs? As a coach, you need a lot of skills to help your clients achieve desired results. In today’s age, there are hundreds of thousands of coaching programs...
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