In 2015 I posted my first version of this “Best Business Coach” list, based on one created by LinkedIn which includes several coaches who have since retired, changed careers, or died. I added my own recommendations in 2019/20 … and incredibly most of that list have since given up being coaches as well!
I am now including the updated 2023 list below. All of these business coaches meet my criteria for great business coaches and I trust them to guide you, your leadership team, and your business.
The 10 Best Business Coaches in Brisbane 2023
(Note that these are listed alphabetically. I know everyone on this list, and it’s not about “a better coach” it’s about “a better match for your business and yourself”. You might also be interested to learn How Business Coaching Works.)

1. Jacob Aldridge
International Business Coach since 2006
OK, so making the list alphabetical by Surname has its advantages. If you haven’t yet noticed, this is me and you’re on my website.
Since 2006, more than 350 active growth businesses in Australia, the UK, and Asia-Pacific have worked with Jacob in his role as an international business coach, partner and advisor, and more than 2,000 others have attended one of his workshops or facilitated retreats.
Jacob’s focus is energetic young companies, primarily professional services firms with 12 – 96 staff per location. He delivers high-impact results through a consistent business system that connects vision and personal intent all the way down to clear expectations and day-to-day team management. Jacob works with clients in person and around the world, leveraging technology for consistent support and guidance despite his family’s nomadic lifestyle.
Alumni clients and colleagues describe Jacob as the smart and quirky business guy who makes things happen, bringing a unique energy borne from the belief that business is best when it’s fun.
Since a fear of working for his father prevented Jacob from earning a law degree, his most impressive qualification is the Guinness World Record for non-stop movie-watching – a sleep-deprivation marathon that prepared him for his most recent role as a new dad.

2. Sueanne Carr and
Customer Strategy Superhero at Customer Frame since 2015

2. Peter Turner
Customer Strategy Superhero at Customer Frame since 2015; International business coach since 2007
I’m grouping Sue and Pete, because you can’t separate their complementary brilliance (plus we all know that having a team is a critical aspect of being a successful business coach.) Of everyone on this list, I possibly love Customer Frame the most because I have worked alongside these guys (Peter and I worked together twice over 10 years), have used them in my business (where they ran some amazing changes for businessDEPOT), and know how much fun it is to share a glass (yeah, only) of wine with them on a personal level.
Customer Frame is about making customer strategy and improvement accessible AND doable for businesses of any size, not just for the big kids!
With over a two decades of customer strategy + experience transformation for some of the worlds biggest brands + government bodies, Peter and Sueanne have distilled all of that experience, expertise and proven theory into an actionable framework for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes.
Plus their passionate about customers and putting them at the heart of business, with all the commercial and cultural benefits that then creates. Keep an eye out for their first book to be published later in 2023.

3. Darren Clark
Business Coach and Partner at Knoego and Encite since 2006
Darren has over twenty years experience as a business owner, investor and coach – I love working with and even just talking with Darren, because he truly understands the perspective of business leaders and entrepreneurs having been there at every stage himself.
Darren can see five steps ahead, uncover hidden assets, develop new business models and have bold or uncomfortable conversations. He can somehow translate what clients want into what they need.
For Darren, coaching comes down to relationship. Despite his notable skills as a negotiator, strategist and leader, he is primarily driven by integrity. His down-to-earth, honest, no-bullshit personality – is immediately apparent. He has the ability to cut through formalities and get to the root of what the leader or business requires to succeed.
Darren will leverage and share openly his past experiences, good and bad, to help you see where you’re at and show you where you could go.

4. Paul Farmer
Business & Leadership Specialist at Mentoris since 2015
Paul is a registered CPA, AICD Member, a member of the Coaching Institute, and a Qualified Level 2 rugby coach.
More importantly, he has a track record of helping business owners rapidly create clarity and direction to help achieve greater business (and personal) results.
Paul has built a reputation as a business mentor responsible for getting the best out of business owners and leaders. His calm and measured ways help create an environment where quality results are created, and growth is delivered for any business or large organisation.
I also love that Paul is one of the few business coaches I have worked with globally who truly understands the numbers, and how to help his clients read their financials like a story book … and then change the story to have a happy ending.

5. Greg Gunther and
Business Coach, Mentor, and Author at Your Business Momentum since 2006

5. Joshna Daya
Principal Business Consultant at Your Business Momentum since 2014
Greg and Josh are another pair that can’t be separated, and one of the few coaching teams I’ve met in Queensland that combine all of their complementary strengths to deliver consistent client changes for the long term.
Importantly, they love working with those sprawling organisations that have outgrown the founder’s ability to manage every person, every client, and every process – those established organisations that suddenly hit a brick wall, often for reasons unknown.
Your Business Momentum’s ability to provide both strategy and implementation support is the key reason I recommend them so highly. They actually make the right changes feel easy, based on a track record of business ownership and mentoring success.

6. Margie Ireland
Leadership and Career Coach at Connect Inspire Transform since 2013
Quite simply… Margie helps leaders and their teams understand what is getting in their way so they can get on the same page and achieve greater performance.
Margie is a Leadership & Career Coach and a Psychologist – I’ve worked with her personally, and brought her in to work with my team, and I just love to additional depth and credibility that Margie achieves combining her extensive career and her formal studies.
Margie’s clients learn how to re-connect with their teams, finding renewed inspiration and confidence to enable a clear path towards high performance. Importantly, Margie offers a step by step plan that transforms their short and long term career performance, and wellbeing at work.

7. Nicky Miklos-Woodley
Sales and Business Growth Consultant at Evergreen Coaching since 2016
Passionate about businesses breaking through their sales barriers, and determined to remove the stigma attached to ‘sales’, Nicky is on a mission to inspire change, growth and ultimately, better business. With 20 years’ sales and leadership experience under her belt, Nicky’s skill and ability to understand and identify gaps within a business underpins her approach to implementing, training and guiding businesses to aim for, and achieve, effective sales outcomes.
Behind Nicky’s sales and leadership acumen is a genuine love for and understanding of human behaviour. She made this love affair formal, acquiring qualifications through the Australian College of Applied Pyschology and The Coaching Institute. Accredited in eDISC Behavioural Profiling, a Meta Dynamics Level 3 Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic-Programming and a qualified Professional Coach and Trainer, Nicky brings a human-centric and fresh perspective to your sales strategy.
In 2017 & 2018, Nicky and I co-hosted a series of live webinars on Sales Talk for Start-Ups, SMEs, and Corporates – easily some of the most fun joint-delivery of coaching and training that I’ve done, because Nicky brings so much energy, experience and insight.

8. Gio (Giovanni) Silanesu
Leadership Coach to SME Business Owners at Aurore Solutions since 2017
Some business coaches achieve great success by building detail; Gio achieves success by making things simple: be 100% who you truly are, speak with 100% truth, and take 100% responsibility as the pathway to happiness (and business success).
Gio’s varied life experience and personal development journey (he owned a Pool & Landscaping business for more than 14 years) has led him to a place in his life where he uses his experiences and those of his clients to see the real issues, address them and bring deep distinctions to the causes of those issues.
I was privileged to meet Gio through his work with ProTrade United, and to sit in circle with him at a number of retreats and coach training workshops where his gravitas and integrity is always a welcome presence.

Sonya is the Queensland Practice Principal and Senior Business Leadership Coach/Facilitator for Leading Well, another Australian coaching company stacked with talented business coaches I know and trust.
Since becoming a business coach in 2008 (on the same coaching team that recruited me, so you know they only invited superstars to join), Sonya has delivered over 6,000 hours in leadership team coaching, executive coaching and facilitation.
She is passionate about working with established and emerging business owners/leaders to achieve the changes they seek to strategically grow and develop their businesses. She brings a unique blend of cultural (people) and commercial experience to the room.
Sonya specialises in world class Mentoring programs, and I would particular recommend her for larger mid-tier and corporate companies or those with a disperse workforce seeking guidance and support to build consistent, internal systems around coaching and mentoring.

10. Amon Woulfe
High-Performance Mindset Coach and Managing Director at Collective Mind since 2014
I reckon Amon wishes this non-ranked list was ordered alphabetically by first name, not surname…
Amon is a performance expert passionate about helping people lift their performance through the mind. He works with leaders and teams to excel under pressure in high-stakes environments.
Amon’s work has including coaching and guiding some of the most elite athletes and teams in the NRL and AFL, high performers who now realise that training the mind is the next great frontier of human performance.
He also works with top CEOs, Executives, and Leadership teams in Brisbane and around the world (we share a client internationally!), helping them, their reports, and their entire organisations drive success.
The 25 Best Business Coaches in Brisbane [ORIGINAL]
Here is my original article – and the list I didn’t create, but which included many business coaches I do know and trust – from 2015. Note that the images were linked from LinkedIn, which has since changed it’s structure.
Recently, LinkedIn has taken to providing rankings of various professionals in different geographies. This was brought to my attention when I appeared on this list of the top 25 business coaches in Brisbane. This is not a list created or curated by me, so apart from those I do know personally this shouldn’t be seen as an endorsement – It’s not apparent what methodology LinkedIn have used in creating this list, based on the “478 professionals” who meet their definition of “business coach profiles in Brisbane Australia”.
For those seeking a clearer criteria for defining “best business coaches”, here are the 4 Characteristics of Great Business Coaches I use. Just 4 of even these top coaches (names highlighted in green) met these standards.
I don’t mind being number 6 on the list, because I’m not the right coach for everyone. If you choose to learn more about me, you’ll see that the clients whose lives I improve are business owners who have already reached a certain size and are ready to receive tangible guidance for their ambitious plans. You can also learn more about my business and my team here.
1. Anthony Davis
Managing Director of Brightwater since March 1993
Brightwater Partnership … a partnership between Small and Medium Business Owners and a structured business development program delivered by experienced Business Advisers. There are only two criteria for a successful Brightwater Business Adviser/Coach … to have owned a small business and to follow the Brightwater System.
If you want to take your business to the next level, you deserve a Coaching system that has stood the test of time.
2. Pam Usher
Managing Director of Biz Success Coaching since January 2010
After 25 years as a CEO, coach and mentor of many different companies and people throughout Australia, Pam has developed and tested ways to ensure profitability is a key feature of a business, equal to having a team who are productive and happy, and who stay and grow with the company, particularly in this time of skills shortage. Increasing growth by 700% and profitability by 30% of an organisation in a highly competitive market was one of many successes Pam has had.
Specialties:Company law, Human Resource Managment & Industrial Relations, Accounting
3. Geoff Oliver
Business Coach at Leisure Seekers since March 2014
Geoff studied externally with and graduated from the University of Southern Queensland in 1995 with a Bachelor of Commerce at the age of 44. In 2014, Geoff partnered with Leisure Seekers as a business coach to bring a wealth of experience from advising businesses as a CPA, with hands on experience as a successful franchise owner and an in depth understanding of Financial Mastery.
4. Michael Wilson
Business Coach and Strategy at Salix since July 2014
Michael brings a wealth of experience to both the business world and the choral world – as a compere; a speaker; a business coach; a business strategist; and a musical director.
As an Authorised YB 12 Coach, he helps businesses and individuals beat procrastination. The YB 12 program is all about having your best year in business ever. Galvanise the minds of your team around a shared business vision, boost productivity, performance and focus.
5. Brian Wilkins
Business Coach at Coates Hire since February 2007
Brian has combined his business coaching role and expertise with the hands-on knowledge that comes from having been a Branch Manager and Accounts Manager with Coates Hire since 2001, in locations as remote as South Melbourne and Moranbah.
6. Jacob Aldridge
International Business Coach since July 2006, Director of Advisory at businessDEPOT since 2016
(This is me.) I’m honoured to be included in this LinkedIn list, recognising that its membership will certainly vary over time and I’m only as great as my last client success. For more information on me, head over to the homepage or my About page.
My team of Financial and Strategic Advisory specialists, supported by the nearly 100 expert members of the businessDEPOT Collective, empower bright ideas for entrepreneurs and active growth businesses in Australia and internationally. I have the greatest success helping leaders in companies with annual revenue between $1.5 and $17 million – if that’s you, let’s chat!.
7. Ross Hanson
Management Consultant and Business Coach at Shirlaws since May 2014
Ross is a mate (and colleague) of mine, so I’m excited to see him on this list as well. He actually reviewed / joined Shirlaws way back in 2002, before creating some other opportunities to build, grow and ultimately exit his own businesses.
As a Business Advisor, Entrepreneur, Writer and Innovator, Ross works with business owners in private enterprise owners to help them uncover the true value of their business assets and find a path to success that does not compromise themselves and keeps them connected to their family and the community.
8. Karen Harmsen
Business Coach at ProVision Eyecare
International,business development professional with solid background in identifying and implementing successful business growth strategies and a passion for developing people.
Often described as the DRIVER, Karen’s tenacity and energy for leading global, cross functional teams, her people skills and attention to detail have created a proven track record of BIG results in retail, wholesale and product development environments.
9. Humphry Roel
Business Coach / Success Coach since September 2014
Humphry grew up in a small business environment, his parents owning a small printing business and also publishers for several local newspapers in Brisbane.
Humphry worked for the Commonwealth Bank for 12 years in various places around Queensland, has 13 years management experience in 4 and 5 star hotels in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, and has 15+ years tutoring at Griffith University in a range of business courses adding to his business coaching experience.
10. Nicole Adams
Founder and Owner of NYA Communications since September 2003
A certified German/English translator, editor and public relations consultant with a Masters Degree in Contemporary English Language and Linguistics, Nicole has been a successful solopreneur since 2003 and specialises in PR, marketing and corporate communications.
Nicole is also a qualified business coach and has recently launched an online course for freelance translators, The A to Z of Freelance Translation.
11. Judy Vivian D’Cruz McBurney
Entrepreneur, Coach, and Consultant since January 2011
Judy is a firm believer of “People are the Assets in every Company”, and has been instrumental in developing many HR Training and Development programmes for MNC and SME organisations in Asia and Australia.
12. Scott Charlton
Director of Fortnum Professional and Coach since February 2002
As an accountant, Scott has been in partnership and run his own firm. As a business coach he has assisted over 300 accountants and financial advisers in Australia and New Zealand and is the author of 3 business books and numerous strategy papers dedicated to practical business development for accountants and financial advisers.
Scott helps professionals in practice – accountants, financial advisers, partners, executive managers and business owners – to achieve their potential. This ultimately translates into their business and personal success.
13. Melanie Miller
Business Coach at Agent 99 since April 2010
Melanie’s belief is that working for yourself should be a rewarding life choice and not a chore!
With a career that has taken her all over the world (Canada, Hong Kong, China – even the Gold Coast!), Melanie understands the need to balance work and life and has a passion for finding innovative ways to help businesses succeed.
14. Steve Leach
The World’s Most Experienced ActionCOACH since August 1997
Steve was the world’s first Action Coach franchisee, and has been working with business owners in Brisbane and around the world for almost 20 years. Not only does he bring a diversity of practical and applicable knowledge to his passionate business owner clients, Steve is also a Global Trainer with ActionCOACH which (along with a string of awards) speaks to his expertise and insight.
15. Richard Cave
Owner of Threadneedle Consultancy since January 2006
As the owner and performance and business coach at Threadneedle Consultancy, Richard builds on his experience including 3 years spent as a Franchise Business Coach for Aussie home loans throughout Queensland and the Northern Territory.
16. Glenn Kunning
Self Employed Coach at FutureWays since February 2009
Glenn launched his coaching business in February 2009 after enjoying many years of success working with some of the top 100 companies in Australia, including ANZ, Mortgage Choice, RAMS, Heritage Building Society, St George, and Bank-West.
As a Sales Specialist he has coached and mentored executives on issues relating to organisational development, employee relations and various business models helping them to align their recruitment, sales and marketing strategies with overall business objectives.
17. Dawn Parker-Jones
Owner of Parker-Jones Boutique Salon Coaching since October 2013
Dawn brings her clients extensive international experience in what she calls “the most amazing industry”, a specialised focus for Salon owners and teams that are ready for the challenges within their business, and are ready to step up and make the change to lead to the result they are wanting.
18. Andy Monks
Owner of The Hero’s Adventure since March 2013
Andy has worked as a personal, leadership and business coach and trained coaches for over 10 years, leading to a dramatic increase in the quality of their lives and the results they produce.
Since October 2014, in his role as Programs Manager at the National Coaching Institute, Andy is accountable for the development and training of the coaching students and members to be successful, make a massive difference for their clients and set a bar for performance, integrity and excellence in the Coaching Industry.
19. Rob Caughey
Firm Owner of Kaibizzen since 2012
Rob joined forces with his wife Faye to launch Kaizen Coaching Queensland and more recently Kaibizzen “Your Business Centre of Excellence”.
Rob believes to achieve our full potential in all aspects of our life we must continue to learn, apply those learnings and then ultimately teach those learnings to others. His vision is simple – to help fellow business owners get where they want to go, work fewer hours and earn more money.
20. Dave Green
Business Coach at ACTION Coach since April 2014
As the largest business coaching network in the world, it’s great to see an Action business coach making this list in Brisbane. Dave works with business owners to improve their business through guidance, support and encouragement.
He specialises in Small to Medium Size Businesses, providing strategic business coaching for business owners and their teams, including business planning, systemisation, marketing & sales strategy development, and team development.
21. Peter Olivier
Organisation Change Management since May 2014
Peter is passionate about creating the right organisation culture for successful business transformation and continuous improvement.
He specialises in the alignment and integration of Organisation Culture, Business Strategy, Execution plans and Performance targets to improve and sustain overall business performance and transformation. Client successes include Carlton and United Breweries and Harrison Grierson.
22. Peter Burrows
Owner of Growth Profit Solutions since April 2011
Peter shares that one of the lessons gained from coaching was the importance of being able to leverage your business – and since replicating the same or variations of the same systems to each new client was not efficient, the concept of the Tradies Friend ( app was developed.
Peter continues to coach selected business clients, still enjoying the difference he makes in peoples lives.
23. Jacqui Norman
Salon Soul Business Coach at Karendavid International since August 2011
A results-driven coach, Jacqui will show you how to achieve amazing results in your salon – built on a wealth of experience over 30 years in the industry including time as a successful salon owner in the UK and NZ.
In delivering her coaching, Jacqui has built a reputation for bringing encouragement, passion, and a cheery disposition that delivers commercial outcomes as well.
24. Rose Kelly
Head of Training and Coaching at Real Estate Dynamics since November 2013
Rose is the final coach on this list who I know personally, which allows me to personally vouch for her energy, expertise, and leadership role in the real estate industry (and especially for principals and property management teams).
Over more than 30 years in the industry, Rose has built her own successful agency and rent roll, founded, published and sold The Property Management Journal, and held a plethora of internal roles that give her the knowledge required to create the desired change (and fast, if need be).
25. Keith Davidson
Owner of Just Small Business since September 2010
Most small business owners struggle to understand the financials of running a business or lack systems and processes that generate a more profitable result. Without clear goals in your business you start working more hours in your business, worrying about if the bills can be paid on time or if at all… Life becomes stressful.
Keith has worked with 857 businesses (last time he counted), so brings more than just passion. He shows clients how to become an “on the business sort of person” not an “in the business sort of person” with the roadmap and strategies to stay on track, so you know that you are doing OK on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
They say Brisbane is a small country town. In regards to being connected, my personal take is that the more awesome you are, the smaller it feels. I do know and work with several of the business coaches on this list, and in reviewing them all for this article I was also pleasantly surprised to see how many of them know people I know (and have received recommendations from them).
I work with many business coaches in Brisbane who are not on this list, so I know it’s not a comprehensive directory of everyone you might want to speak with if you’re looking for the help a coach may provide. Still, it’s a worthy acknowledgment to all involved and I congratulate them all for earning their place on this LinkedIn list.
If you know other coaches in Brisbane who you feel should be on this list, let me know in the comments below.
And if you don’t know any coaches, or want to learn more about what business coaches do (hint: it varies wildly!), my contact details are below and you can click here to subscribe to my business links newsletter.
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[…] […]
Hullo Jacob,
I’m seeking a highly experienced professional business coach to support the growth of
my holistic health care organisation in SE Queensland. Could you please contact me at your earliest convenience?
Many thanks,
Lesley Gillett
0411 514 333
PS: You might like to remove Geoff Kirkwood from you list as he sadly passed away in January.
Thank you Lesley for letting me know the sad news about Geoff. I will update the list accordingly, and also be in touch shortly to discuss your growth strategies.
Hi Lesley,
Try Lauren Mclaughlin at (it’s her new site – still under construction)
She previously owned a company called Holistic Business Coaching and has done a huge body of work in this space.
She has worked with some big name celebrities(and continues to do so) and sport stars as well as big business in the holistic wellness space.
Good Luck
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Hi Marcus – I know Lauren is a client of your marketing business so you’ve been engaged to help promote her website. Because there may be a match with that historical comment you have replied to, I will leave your comment live in good faith but have NOFOLLOWed the link. Jacob]
Hi Jocob,
Not looking to promote and not looking for a link (happy for no link at all)
simply reading your article and noticed the comment and though they would be a great fit… If you are not in favour of promoting others, then I an confused about the blog to begin with. remove the comment if you like.
[…] business models, or more specifically please stop having ideas for Apps people! My fellow ‘top business coach‘ Ross Hanson said it best here: “Apps are Dead“. Your opportunity to create a […]
[…] was a nice surprise to be nominated in the recent “Top 25 Best Business Coaches in Brisbane” article by Jacob […]
Thanks for sharing Anna! I’m not familiar with Alan Gavornik Consulting – do they have a team presence in Australia, and Brisbane specifically?
Hi Jacob,
I’m searching for a business mentor/coach; obviously how I found you and the top 25 list. I’m small, definitely not in the millions yet and certainly far from it but I aim to be. I was wondering if you could recommend anyone with distribution company experience in Brisbane as I prefer face to face?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards,
Russell O’Reilly
whoops rookie mistake # 1 – left a reply instead of mailing you directly…
I m looking a coach for Brewing Industry.
Hi Jacob, i focus more on counselling and life coaching but was looking for a list just like this for the odd referral. Thank you for all your work in bringing this together.
Warm regards,
You are more than welcome Joelle!
[…] a somewhat successful Business Coach myself, with a range of remote clients, I’ve met and worked with a variety of different ‘life […]
Wow! Thank you! I permanently wanted to write on my blog something like that.
Can I take a portion of your post to my site?
Thanks for the kind words Roderick – do feel free to reference this business coach research with a link back for those seeking the original sources!
I think this is among the most vital information for me. And i’m glad reading your article.
And I should remark on some general things, your site style is ideal,
the articles are really excellent : D. Good job, cheers
I was recommended to read this blog by my cousin. You are incredible! Thank you!
Thanks Aaron!
Simply wish to say your article is as amazing. The clarity in your post is
simply great and i can assume you’re an expert on this subject.
Fine with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep updated with forthcoming post.
Thanks a million and please keep up the rewarding
Thanks for all the information contained in this amazing article.
Ok Karen sounds about white