

I’ve selected a handful of heuristics in my life that I credit with making me happy(ier). Here’s one of the big ones: Never Run for Public Transport. I developed this decision-making framework in my final year of university. (That was a happy year for a lot of reasons, but I don’t want to digress). Brisbane...
Source: MortgageLoan.com I’m not only asked to comment on small business news stories – sometimes my wider life experience leads to some expert requests. In this article, Aaron Crowe examines the tough decision for many 20-something and 30-something year old couples: Do we spend our savings on the Wedding we want, or as a House...
I’m 32 1/2 years old. My next birthday will be 33, and I will enter what some people refer to as ‘the Jesus year‘. For a whole combination of random thoughts intersecting, it occurred to me that I’m already working towards a nifty plan for the time period roughly associated with that year. Basically, I’m...
I think I stole this from Dave Barry’s blog, back in the days before I had my own business and was therefore dedicated to his many, many productivity enhancers. Every year I bring it out again, and I still love it! So Happy Easter everybody!    If you leave me, can I come too…? Click...
I genuinely love Monday mornings. And I’m aware this makes me a little strange. Here’s why I do, and how I created that fabulous feeling when I wake up at the start of each week. Great Mondays are Created not Discovered Yes, “created”. Like most people, my love of Mondays was not natural. I never...
I wore orange socks to a sales meeting this morning. You probably know by now that I love colour, and I’m a fan of any unexpected additions to your world that can create positive responses, especially when they’re connected with your brand or business message. Several years ago, at a Shirlaws conference in the south...
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