Jacob Aldridge


by Jacob Aldridge I’ve been a fan of KPI (that’s Key Person of Influence, not the other one) for many years now. As I’ve written elsewhere, KPI Founder Daniel Priestly was one of the first people I met in London, and in addition to learning from his experience I also stole one of his jokes....
I wore orange socks to a sales meeting this morning. You probably know by now that I love colour, and I’m a fan of any unexpected additions to your world that can create positive responses, especially when they’re connected with your brand or business message. Several years ago, at a Shirlaws conference in the south...
Jacob Aldridge Business Coach Profile Photo
On a side note, I was in Hong Kong last week with the CEO of Shirlaws in Asia. He handed over his business card in a meeting, and had exactly the positive reaction I wrote about in the first of this short series of marketing articles. I suspect we’ll be doing a lot more business...
This post originally appeared on Shirlaws Online. It was written in 2007, when I was much newer to the world of business coaching. I’m re-publishing it for posterity, and because I’m amazed at how much I’ve changed in those 7 years. I must have been about fourteen when I got sick of having my pens...
If you give me your business card, I will do one of two things with it: convert the data it contains to an electronic record, or add it to a pile in my office (and use DuckDuckGo to find your contact details if I ever need them again). This treatment of the business card as...
I’ve been writing for a long time, and on business specific topics for at least the past ten years. For a variety of reasons, I’ve only recently built this central repository – but that doesn’t mean my history is completely hidden on the web. Indeed, there are 3 articles of mine that have been read,...
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