Last Friday I was honoured to speak at the Overseas Korean Traders Association (OKTA) event in Brisbane, Australia. As I wrote about after my invitation to speak, I was impressed by OKTA’s mission and in particular their intention to educate 100,000 young Korean entrepreneurs – to help change the face of business around the world, and in particular for those second and third generation Korean family businesses located overseas. This group of young current and future entrepreneurs was the bulk of the 50 people I met at the event last week. Some of them have established businesses, many are in start-up which is always exciting to see, and I spoke with several others who plan to one day establish their own business.

The timing of this event could hardly have been better, as I have been developing my new Keynote Presentation on “Moving from Small Business Owner to Portfolio Entrepreneur”. The OKTA group were not only interested in that topic, but also some additional material my Shirlaws colleagues and I have developed specifically for Young Entrepreneurs and family businesses. Knowing that not everyone attending was a business owner, I also included a brief overview of the Shirlaws Stages Framework – this maps the lifecycle of every business, and also has relevance to employees on their journey and especially those whose clients are business owners. My agenda was:
- Overview and Introduction to Shirlaws and Jacob Aldridge
- Small Business Owner and Portfolio Entrepreneur
- Grow from one income stream to many income and equity opportunities
- Generational behaviours – how this affects family businesses (especially second generation)
- Understanding the business lifecycle, whether you intend to own your own business or not

In addition to the many great conversations I had with attendees before and after the speakers, I think the highlight of my night was being introduced in Korean. Why? Well most people who introduce me at events love to share one fact from my biography, that I was a Guinness World Record Holder for movie-watching. It’s a piece of trivia that always draws a laugh – and even though I couldn’t follow Diana’s introduction, when the crowd laughed I knew exactly what she had just said! Thank you again to Johnny Shin, Diana Lee, and Nathan Joo for the invitation to speak; my good colleague Ross Hanson for proposing me as a speaker; and everyone involved in the Overseas Korean Traders Association for their attendance and questions. I look forward to the next opportunity – there’s still 99,950 young entrepreneurs I haven’t met. If you were at the OKTA presentation and would like a copy of the book I promised, please email me. If you weren’t at this event, but would like to see a copy of the slidedeck I presented, I would be happy to share – again, please email me jaldridge@shirlawscoaching.com

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