If you’ve stalked me on Twitter recently, you may have noticed that this is my current pinned tweet:
That time you’re applying to be a Conference Speaker…and you realise the banner is…you as a Conference Speaker! pic.twitter.com/2ifX6MbyN3
— Jacob Aldridge (@jacobaldridge) June 17, 2016
The picture is from last year’s Email Marketing Summit Australia (EMSA) … and I’m delighted to announce that I will be Chairing the event again in 2016, when EMSA will celebrate its 10th Birthday!
Yes, that means I get a really nifty speakers biography page.
If your role or business does anything related to email marketing (ie, do you send a newsletter? or think maybe you should?) then definitely check out the impressive list of other speakers – https://www.emsaustralia.com.au/speakers – and make the most of the early bird pricing.
It’s billed as “12 Speakers, 8 Hours, 1 Day dedicated to achieving email marketing excellence”, and as this will be my fourth attendance (having missed a few while living in London) I can attest that it does exactly that.
I’m most looking forward to Kim from Urban List and Miguel from eBay Australia and New Zealand. Of the speakers I’ve seen before, I highly recommend Kelly Newbery from Vision6 and John Knight from Business Depot.
Plus the event organisers have assured me that the 10th Birthday celebrations will be impressive! What can I say – I’ll do anything, including Chairing an even for 300 digital marketers and business owners, if there’s free cake involved.
I hope to see you there on October 20!