Understanding how Growth Management Systems apply to your business will save you years of frustration.
My expert team at Shirlaws Group asked me to share on camera an overview of the Revenue, Infrastructure, and Culture Systems that allow private enterprises around Australia and the world to plan and manage their growth.
You can see or share the whole series on YouTube here.
Introducing Growth Management Systems [4 short videos for Founders + CEOs] https://t.co/TLVnvzj1pz pic.twitter.com/lbQsVQyP6U
— Jacob Aldridge (@jacobaldridge) October 1, 2015
I’ve written before about Black Holes and No Man’s Land in business. The definitive online articles are definitely these two by Darren Shirlaw – on the predictable problem of Black Holes and the snakes and ladders of business growth.
In between those Black Holes – where your enterprise can get stuck, sometimes for years before breaking through – sits a consistent series of 4 specific revenue systems that you need to build. Watch this video for details:
It’s easy to build a $10 million business – just buy $20 million of stock, and sell it for half price.
In reality, your business needs to be mindful of profit and cash flow as you grow. New businesses may fail from a lack of revenue, but experienced companies that collapse often blame accelerating growth without the necessary infrastructure to support it.
As you’ll see in this video, infrastructure systems are as simple as having the right number of people, doing the right jobs, with the right skills.
Critically, your business culture will either accelerate your growth or hold you back. Ensuring the acceleration starts with recognising that Culture is the experience your team has at work every day – it’s not something limited to Friday drinks and Christmas bonuses.
When you step over that hurdle, it becomes apparent that you need to implement a system to understand and monitor these four behaviours in your leadership team.
Want to Learn More?
Join myself, Darren Shirlaw, and the Shirlaws Australia team at our next Conference. Click here for information and registration. The fundamental question of any videos you may watch is how to apply this material to benefit your business, and this video sets out your next steps.
You can learn more about me and Shirlaws here. Wherever you are based in the world, our team of experienced business coaches and consultants can help you grow, fund, or exit your business. If you’d like to learn more, let’s chat.
If you’re Dustin Curtis, you should follow me on Twitter here.
And please tell your friends: Sharing is Caring
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[…] will inevitably follow. So I knew my vision and strategy were unclear, and I didn’t have the necessary growth management systems in place to support me. But where to […]