I’m live-blogging #AREC16 from the Gold Coast. Here are my top learnings from Ricky Cave: The Journey to a Competitive Edge.
A reminder you can sign up for the Real Estate Grow #AREC Pack by clicking here.
Ricky Cave is one of the top names in New Zealand real estate – I’m looking forward to the different perspective that can bring, although having worked with New Zealand real estate principals I know the markets are very similar.
- Ricky poses the hypothetical – what would you do if your total marketplace was completely destroyed? Only it’s not a hypothetical – he was a real estate agent in Christchurch when the massively devastating 2011 Earthquake struck.
Christchurch, May 2013 Faced with the option to stay knowing the market would take years to come back (and that’s transactions, not just values), Ricky made the decision to move to Auckland. If a curveball comes, embrace it – your skills are transferable, and your altitude is determined by your attitude
- The Four Fundamental S’s – System, Strategy, Structure, Support. Run a checklist on your business right now – can you genuinely tick all 4?
- Ricky has also successful built a team around him – as soon as he had rebuilt his GCI in the completely new market of Auckland, he started recruiting those around him while continuing to learn from his Principal (Megan Jaffe) who he described as a great leader.
Let go to Grow.
If you don’t have a PA, you are a PA.
Have a Mentor with different industry background.
Surround yourself with like-minded people.
- You as a Brand – is it a household name? Do people know you before they meet you. Can you articulate your value proposition, your values (what you stand for – Ricky can list his, and I’ll bet his team can as well), and your defining competitive advantage. And then find ways to market your Brand that your competitors aren’t.
Think outside the square – Ricky has some great, mostly illegal, billboard examples – and different – doing what other agents won’t, like publishing your own magazine. As for the things that everyone does, like flyers, testimonials, social media, open homes? Do them, and just do them better.
What can YOU do to stand out from the crowd?
- Do you feel good at work? Are you surrounded by the things you love in your workspace – and that’s your office, your car, a home office you may use, and of course your favourite cafe! This presence around you links to mindfulness and headspace – your thoughts become actions, actions become habits, and habits become your character.
Most importantly, BE YOU. Thanks Ricky!
Our next speaker is Brian Whiteman – live blogged here.
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- The 5 Mission Critical Lessons real estate principals need to take away from #AREC16
- My presentation ‘Disruption in the Real Estate Industry: What You Can and Need to Do About It’
- PLUS Real Estate Grow newsletter membership.
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Fancy a coffee?
Jacob Aldridge is a co-founder and business coach at Real Estate Grow.
If you’re a real estate Principal looking for fresh ways to help you work on your business, let’s chat. Contact me on either 0427 151 181 or jacob@realestategrow.com.au.
Not ready for that level of commitment? Follow me on Twitter @jacobaldridge

[…] the right workspaces (Ricky Cave includes his car and favourite cafes in that list), […]