

You’re Going to Want to See the Picture at the End As a former Guinness World Record Movie Marathoner, #Barbenheimer was always going to happen. I can recommend both movies – Oppenheimer will win more awards, but Barbie was the more enjoyable of the two, and it’s been fascinating to watch how their ‘rivalry’ created the biggest Box Office weekend...
Full Service, No Cost, Because I Understand Business Risk The greatest challenge embracing AI is the upfront investment of time, especially into software solutions that may not work, may not last, or can’t be scaled because as an SME you don’t have hundreds of employees to leverage.So in my research I’ve been finding experts, not just tools, who understand small business and...
Source: The Coach Space The remote working revolution during the pandemic has made the digital nomad lifestyle more possible now than ever before, and exploring new countries while maintaining a career is already a dream come true for many. But who are these people exactly? How did they make it happen and what do they...
Originally published on the Shirlaws Business Coaching Blog, 2007-2010. This is a copy of a speech I gave to a group of high school seniors recently. That’s an experience I’ve wanted to have for some time, and I hope to do similar events often in the future. As with all speeches, I learnt a lot...
Source: The Irish Sun ARE you struggling to find the motivation to continue your binge-watching efforts? For the first and hopefully only time in your life, those hours spent streaming Tiger King will be helping to save lives. So this week we spoke with Jacob Aldridge. As a bonafide binge-watching expert, we asked him for...
This Man Spent 60 Hours Watching Movies Back To Back Source: The Room on FM104 Imagine my surprise to receive an email from the team behind Dublin’s top-rating evening radio program ‘The Room’. In the Coronavirus Lockdown world, they’ve been talking a LOT about binge-watching everyone’s favourite shows on Netflix et al … and it...
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