Jacob Aldridge


Novel Corona Virus
Source: Lawyers Weekly The sudden collapse of global share markets, supply chains, and consumer confidence linked to the COVID-19 outbreak risks creating the fastest economic downturn and first Australia recession in three decades. Law firm partners, particularly managing partners and those who own boutique firms, must respond now to reduce their fallout, writes advisor Jacob...
Jacob Aldridge Don't Waste a Good recession Webinar 1
Here are the supporting documents from Webinar #1 of the “Don’t Waste a Good Recession” program, which was released on 20/03/2020. If you find these valuable, please join our Facebook Group (and share with your friends) at https://www.facebook.com/groups/GoodRecession/ In that group you can re-watch the Live Webinar anytime, and also contribute to the group “Key...
The Sales Hourglass
Source: The Win Sales Now Podcast It’s always great to speak with people who ‘get’ the world of business in the same relaxed, fun, and abundant way that I (and my clients) view it. Doubly enjoyable when it doubles as a podcast or video conversation. As was the case when I sat down recently to...
Coronaviru claims another victim
Source: Yahoo! Finance Don’t worry, the victim wasn’t me (at least at the time of the interview!). Nor was it the breakfast client of mine who was among the first in Australia to contract the COVID-19 Coronavirus (thankfully, without passing it to anyone else, including me!). “The coronavirus has already seen Australia’s restaurant sector take...
I hang out in a lot of #FinancialIndependence and #EarlyRetirement communities online, since the former (though not the latter) remains a key part of our family’s vision. One common trope is people in their 20s who want to retire as early as possible. Mostly, that’s youthful naivety. They don’t want to retire into anything specific...
Source: eBiz Facts This interview was the culmination of three awesome choices I have made in my life! 1) Regular readers of my Monthly Updates will know how open I am sharing my income, equity, business wins and challenges. ‘Transparency’ is one of my core values after all. 2) My focus in recent years, and...
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