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Happy Friday
I’ve been writing this week about AI Coaches (like the one my team is building) and their impact on the human version (like the one currently sitting in my chair).
In short, AI will excel in the area where most coaches make most of their money: Inspiration and Education.
So I’m going to start giving that away. It’s Segment 5 of the Como Heptagon.
Sick of the Revenue Rollercoaster? Skip to today’s video “How to Build a B2B Subscription Business“
Want to pursue True Freedom? Find out if you’re Ready

Training vs Coaching
I deliver the most value in a business by coaching to implementation. Ideas are worthless, Execution is priceless.
But while I’m working with the business owner on their context, confidence, and courage they still need to delegate and empower their leadership team. Whether it’s involving them in the design of Strategic Projects or transferring responsibility to lead implementation, you let go to grow through management engagement.
So I have a lot of fun running leadership training! Teaching those groups of leaders or managers the key frameworks (and common traps) related to performing their roles, and taking responsibility for driving the business forward.
This training is both necessary… and repetitive. Moreover, since J(ai)cob and his AI siblings will attempt to replace it, my Como business needs to be strategically ahead.
Free as in Beer
- Como Leadership Training is a join-anytime, monthly, online programme designed for business owners and their leaders + managers.
- Every month we dive deep into a key area of business, giving context to the team and discussing the specific application.
- The sessions are interactive, meaning it’s both practical (“ask me anything”) and injects your leadership team into a community of others going on a similar journey.
- While available as a standalone product, this additional leadership training will be available at no cost to all current and alumni Como coaching clients.
- If that’s you, expect to hear more in the coming months. The next cohort will commence in February 2024 – closer than you think.
Are My Core Values Showing?
Generosity is one of Como’s core business values. My business lives in an abundant space, and so leveraging technology to offer this at no cost is me living my values.
Transparency is another of our values. So let’s also be open and honest – how much more will you love your coach when your leadership team perform? Reckon that will help my business too?
Become a Como Client Today
In advance of next year, I am taking on new business clients.
I work primarily with business owners who are 30-45 years old, have achieved a level of success with their team, and now realise that “what got them here won’t get them there”.
I’ve proven the process to bridge the gap from now to then.
So if you’re ready to do the work, I’m committed to walking that journey beside you.
Click here, or call or text me +61 427 151 181.
2. Blackboard Fridays Episode #26 – Building a B2B Subscription Business
Most professional services or other business-to-business (B2B) companies are ‘lumpy’ – some months are super busy and revenue is high; but often the next month is quieter and your team fail to meet their targets.
Whether this is seasonal (accountants are busy in tax planning season), cyclical (architects are a lead indicator of the construction market’s health), or just the nature of your business (clients call lawyers when they need them, or shortly thereafter), you know there has to be a better way.
Every business has the potential to be a subscription business, in one form or another. Maybe for you this is ‘just’ an additional product you can provide to your clients, or a new segment of the market? Perhaps you want to tear down the entirety of your existing, lumpy, unpredictable business and replace it with a steady stream of work and revenue where the only lumps are profitable cream on top?
Either is an exciting opportunity for you. Today’s video starts the conversation about how you can build a B2B Subscription Business.
Watch this week’s video or read the summary article here.
See you next Friday,

With love,
Jacob Aldridge
International Business Advisor
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