Gimmick or #Lifehack?
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The first year of your first business is a lesson in extreme responsibility.
That thing that needs to be done? You’re doing it. Or checking it. Or staying late because you didn’t do it right the first time.
For the average business owner, aka “recovering employee”, the shift is life-changing.
- Most employees are conditioned to trade input (time) for money (pay cheque)
- Now you have to trade output (value) for money – your input can go wholly unrewarded
It’s a different game entirely.
And then you forget the lesson… (continues below)
“So, what do you do?” A common question, but are you and your team answering consistently? Watch today’s video “Easily Communicating Your Brand Promise“
Or take our Freedom + Impact Quiz – You Ready to Unleash?
Responsibility from the Inside Out
As my business owner clients achieve their outcomes, I begin drawing their awareness to the inner work that forms part of the Como process.
If you stop growing as a human, your business will stop growing as a reflection.

Extreme Responsibility takes a different turn as you build the team.
Where once ‘responsibility’ meant ‘you doing everything’, you now have a team with responsibility for key tasks and functions.
Helping them take that responsibility is part of the Business Rhythm work we do together in Segment 2.
But whether you hand over those tasks well or poorly, having a good team to help means many of us forget the Extreme Responsibility lesson.
When I talk about The Mindful Leader, I mean more than self-care practices, meditations, and self-awareness.
For the business owners who truly want to do the work to create freedom and impact, Mindfulness is about Extreme Responsibility.
The opportunity this new viewing platform creates for your family, life, and business is extraordinary. Imagine the power in your hands once you begin to live through the paradigm of full creation.
Would you like to choose and create the whole of your reality? To live in love, not the alternatives?
Now you see why Como has a hidden love heart in our logo.

2. Blackboard Fridays Episode #27 – Are you Consistently Communicating Your Brand Promise?
Have you ever taken one of your up-and-coming team members to a function, and then gasped in horror when they’ve tried to answer the ‘What do you do?’ question?!
Or maybe you even get stuck on this yourself – finding the fine line between being specific but boring and being exciting (‘we stimulate synergies for revolutionary business models”) but ridiculously vague.
There’s no benefit in having a single, scripted elevator pitch or positioning statement – how you describe your business at a family barbecue needs to be different to how you introduce yourself on stage. But you want consistency – to make your life easier, and to ensure that every member of your team is describing what you do and who you do it for in the same manner.
This week’s Blackboard Fridays video walks through the super-simple (and therefore effective) Brand Promise framework we use with our business coaching clients.
So whether you’re driving limousines, coaching entrepreneurs, or (ahem) stimulating synergies, this one is relevant for you.
Watch this week’s video or read the summary article here.
See you next Friday,
With love,
Jacob Aldridge
International Business Advisor
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