Fears Block Action
Benefits Spur It On
I won’t bury the lead: this week, after 9 months of playing, I won my first game of squash. Photos below.
Not my first “Match”, mind you. I still lost the night 3 games to 1. And my opponent was heavily suffering a cold he acquired at the Taylor Swift concert. So I’m still terrible, but improving.
Last week’s focus on “The 5 Steps to Referral Success” can bury the lead about which step is the most important. So in this week’s article and video, let me focus on “The #1 Reason Referral Relationships Don’t Work.”
Make no mistake – implementing this new process will challenge you to be a better business person. But just like my Sales Training … and my squash technique … being “terrible but improving” will still win you more business than doing the same old thing and expecting a different result.
Blackboard Fridays Episode #49 – The #1 Reason Referral Channels Don’t Refer
In the last episode of Blackboard Fridays, I talked about the five steps to creating strategic referral channels.
- Connection
- Getting to Know You
- Why? and Why Not?
- Agreement, and
- Implementing that Agreement.
In that video I flagged that perhaps the most important step was Step 3: Why you would be in relationship? and Why Not be in relationship?
It’s one of the hardest steps to go through. The traditional approach we take to referrals – catching up for a lovely coffee twice a year and frickin’ doing nothing else – is much easier.
The reason most referral relationships don’t actually lead to referrals is because you avoid having hard conversations. Conversation like Step 3.
So, let’s give you a bit of a system to help make that conversation as easy as possible.
Watch this week’s video or read the summary article here.
With love,
Jacob Aldridge
International Business Advisor
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