

Twice the Moneyin the Same Amount of Time DATELINE: PENANG, MALAYSIA And now, the end is near… Last week I wrote about the value of consistency in your marketing strategy. It’s so easy in small business to “send a newsletter every Friday”, but skip the holiday period because “mumble mumble excuse”. After 15 years of (admittedly not...
How Does He Do It? DATELINE: PENANG, MALAYSIA Merry Christmas We’re on the repeat viewing of the Blackboard Fridays video series, by popular demand after the original pause when I became a dad in 2019. Email marketing (which I started in 2008) and content creation like these videos remain one of the most important brand...
Here is When and How to Replace Me With an AI Business Coach Business owners need AI – Artificial Intelligence – to improve productivity, and rapidly release extra time and money.Paradoxically, SMEs rarely have the time and money to test and invest in these solutions.That’s when they need another type of AI – Actual Intelligence. Read...
What Happened Next? Do outdoor billboards still have a place in your business’s marketing arsenal? In 2018, we were still releasing a new Blackboard Fridays episode every week (In business? You can still receive one of these insight videos to your inbox every Friday, by subscribing here!). So when the opportunity arose to feature on...
The 2:30 Admission Time Was Just Cruel By the time you read this, I will be … on holidays. Not, like I may wish, in Florida at NSA Influence with my Cigar Peg friends. Instead I am preparing for surgery on Monday to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed.Send sympathy and recipes please.I’m not...
Dateline: Cabarita Beach, Australia Happy Friday You may not know – before I went into business management and then my SME business coaching career, I trained as a (“award winning“) journalist. In many ways it was a valuable grounding – both Journalists and Business Coaches are trained to always ask the right questions. Perhaps I’m jaded, but...
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