Top 5 with Mat Steinwede #AREC16

I’m live-blogging #AREC16 from the Gold Coast. Here are my top learnings from Mat Steinwede: It’s All About the Lemon.

A reminder you can sign up for the Real Estate Grow #AREC Pack by clicking here.

Tom Panos, our MC for AREC, says the first 3 speakers are the best openers to any AREC ever. Jeez – no pressure on our next speaker, Mat Steinwede. Here are my top 5:

  1. What can we learn from Roger Bannister breaking the 4 minute mile? Well everyone said it was impossible … but within a few years of his record, more than 30 other people had done it. Success in real estate is more mental, than action. What do you believe? What are your limits? What is the 4 minute mile you believe cannot be achieved in your career?
  2. When your WHY is big enough, your challenges become smaller. As a business coach, I can attest to this statement as the key to ten years worth of client success. It’s WHY you’re in business (see my Vision and Strategy). And it’s also WHY you make day to day decisions, the Context of your choices rather than the Content.
  3. “I’ve got to tell you, my brother, the Doctor, he’s decided to give the house to another agent. He seems like a nice fellow…”
    Well that’s not a reason! But how good are you at articulating WHY – for what reason – clients ought to list with you? Mat tells a great story about 15 years of tracking a property he wanted to list one day … and ultimately, winning the listing by showing up to the listing presentation with a lemon!
    The customer had complained that his fish and chips arrived without a lemon. Guess what Mat had delivered? Guess who won the business? Not the “nice fellow”!
  4. The proposal didn’t mean much. The agency didn’t mean much. The agent didn’t mean much. The care I demonstrated meant the most. You can compete against the most experienced agents in the business, if you look for those little moments to show how you care.
  5. Mat’s recipe for real estate:
    1. Work a core area
    2. Make 30 connects a day
    3. Do 3 face-to-face appointments a day
    4. Write thank you cards to everybody
    5. Database everything
    6. Automate your Database Marketing Plan
    7. Talk to your Owners every day
    8. Spend 1 hour every day … on you!

How many agents do you know do this? Do your competitors? More importantly, are any top performers NOT doing this? Learn from the experience of others.

After the break, Vivien Yap (live blog here).

Are you receiving our Mission Critical #AREC Giveaways?

If you liked these insights, you’re going to love the AREC Giveaways we’re releasing next week.

  • The 5 Mission Critical Lessons real estate principals need to take away from #AREC16
  • My presentation ‘Disruption in the Real Estate Industry: What You Can and Need to Do About It’
  • PLUS Real Estate Grow newsletter membership.

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Fancy a coffee?

Jacob Aldridge is a co-founder and business coach at Real Estate Grow.

If you’re a real estate Principal looking for fresh ways to help you work on your business, let’s chat. Contact me on either 0427 151 181 or

Not ready for that level of commitment? Follow me on Twitter @jacobaldridge

Mat Steinwede
Mat Steinwede

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