Business Lifecycle


Done With You or DIY There is always enough time, and also there is no time like the present. Especially when you realise that if you have a monthly strategy meeting, you only have 6 left to make changes before the end of the year. Have you begun to achieve what you wanted this year?...
Leverage or Legacy? DATELINE: BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA (COLDER THAN LONDON!) Dear Reader Businesses sell for any number of reasons – out of despair, desperation, necessity … and every now and then, because you’ve built a bloody good businesses and it’s time to turn that success into cash so someone else can drive it to the next phase....
As Your Team Grows: Are They United? Or Noisy Neighbours? DATELINE: MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Hi – I’m now at the end of my second week research mission around the UK, with a detour last weekend to run a workshop in Paris. A key observation so far – which may also be true in Australia – is...
London Calling DATELINE: PARIS, FRANCE Hi – It won’t affect you in the slightest to know I arrived safely in London, and am today co-facilitating a workshop at the Ecole des Ponts Business School in Paris. The event is based on some of the contributions to my most recent best-selling, multi-author book Visionary Male Leaders. WhatsApp and Email...
You Are Enough. But Maybe You Want a Little More? DATELINE: BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Happy Friday It’s an age-old business question: Would you rather have more money, or more time? There’s no ‘right’ answer, only what is right for you, and only for right now since your needs or preference may change. My close clients know...
HOW I Colour Code my Diary 😐WHY I Colour Code my Diary  😍 DATELINE: GEORGETOWN, PENANG, MALAYSIA My coaching business turns 18 this year. Lots has changed since 2006 – I was coaching SMEs pre-Facebook, pre-GFC, and even before any of the Marvel Movies! One thing that hasn’t changed is my use of colour to manage my...
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