Imposters are the only people who don’t get Imposter Syndrome First, may I ask you a favour? October is traditionally my busiest month for new clients – something about the looming year-end prompts an aspirational business owner to act now. 2023 is proving no exception, but the improved efficiency and smaller investment option I recently wrote about means I...
Don’t let the Tail Wag the Dog DATELINE: BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA What is Business Strategy? Approaching 18 years as a business coach, this is a frequently asked question that … I sometimes give way too detailed an answer to.So since it’s the topic of this week’s Blackboard Fridays Episode 30, what better time to provide a straightforward...
Your Primary Business is Not Your Real Business DATELINE: SURFERS PARADISE Happy Friday Welcome to the final article in the Como rebrand series.I’ve never had so many positive replies – and so many unsubscribers – as this past 6 weeks.Both are signs of a strong Brand Promise. Next week, shorter newsletters will return You can always find previous...
Gimmick or #Lifehack? Thank you for reading The first year of your first business is a lesson in extreme responsibility.That thing that needs to be done? You’re doing it. Or checking it. Or staying late because you didn’t do it right the first time.For the average business owner, aka “recovering employee”, the shift is life-changing. Most employees are conditioned to trade...
Do Not Follow Me For my GPS has lost Signal Happy Friday I’ve been writing this week about AI Coaches (like the one my team is building) and their impact on the human version (like the one currently sitting in my chair). In short, AI will excel in the area where most coaches make most of their...
Your Business Will Only Grow as Much as You are Willing to Grow Do you remember your goals when your business began? Most of the 2,000 business owners I’ve worked with had an early goal that looked like Income, Wealth, or Lifestyle. But as they achieved success beyond the Start-Up Phase, they began to realise the...